Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I know techno is not short for technology, but it should be . If I were to express my views on this issue I would say technology helps us with important equipment. In hospitals and labs, computers are a major progression that help discover ways to save many lives.
Although the use of technology in my home, for everyday life occasion seem to be a useful tool. It is also a distracting activity that takes time away from my day, when I should be up to things i value more.


Robin's English Blog said...

Techno is actually a form of electronic dance music that sprung up in Detroit during mid-late

Anonymous said...

you are very wise, i agree with your blog completely. keep it fresh fam!

Va Thao said...

Same here, I get distracted a lot by technology nowadaays that I am procrastinating. This is my first time to have broadbrand too, so everyone in my family is soooo crazy about the internet.